Will the Glory of Islam in Andalusia back?

Andalusia greatness can not be separated from the role of the first Umayyad Caliph there. I Abdul Rahman (756-788M) is a leader educated, dignified and very interested in literature. Because so her love for the art, he set up a special place in his palace which was given the title "Darul Madaniyat" for literary activities among women Andalus.
At the time of Abdul Rahman I, class-wise and pious scholars are so respected and highly regarded by the government, the authorities and society Andalus. The Government has given a high tribute to the scholars from the East such as al-Ghazi Ibn Qais and Abu Musa al-Hawari to convey the science of religion there.
Dr. Omar Salmah in his dissertation on "Vibrant Andalus civilization in Europe" stated: "Abdul Rahman Substitute I (788-796M) is also a government that focuses on science activities. In the days of his administration, he has forged several pieces of schools to learn Arabic language also Rasmi Andalus at that time. His services are most in development is the expansion of knowledge in the use of Arabic termasuklah day life of religious affairs in the church, as well as undermine the use of the Latin language throughout the Iberian peninsula. He also made the Berjaya Arabic as a lingua franca in the language of international relations in his day and the next day. "(Joesoef Sou'yb, 1972:47)"
During the reign of Abdul Rahman II (822-852M), and the progress made too many changes. He built many schools and scientific institutions for people who can not afford. This institution was built in important cities and the costs are borne entirely by the government. He then Cordova as a place to foster scientific and prasananya. Iamembangun place for intellectual discussion, mosques, bridges and a beautiful garden and a nice library in town tersebut.Hal the next government continue to be developed. Dr Salmah, citing FO Callaghan tells us: "During the reign of Caliph century, Cordova became rivals Baghad truth to the world as a center of Islamic culture. Caliph Abdul Rahman III and al-Hakam II are two scientists who greeted affectionately Saari Europe, Africa and Asia. "
Efforts are also active translation of government. "Abdul Rahman III has been continuing efforts to overshadow the translation activity has been commenced by Abdul Rahman II. Crowded talented scholars in Andalus and East gathered at his palace and they were rewarded fairly. As an example. He is generous to its members kurniaan Greek and Jewish scholars such as Nicolas and Hasdai. At the time of his reign, many Greek works had been translated into Arabic, and there are also several pieces of original work in Arabic covering various fields of science. "(Omar Salmah, 2009:16). During his rule, the population of Cordova was increased be more than 500 thousand people and the establishment of universities, publishing books, paper industry and intellectual activities, then it becomes a developed city versus another city in Asia and Europe.
Dr Salmah, a lecturer at UPM Malaysia's Sarawak continues: "In his days Universiti Cordova has been enlarged and dipertingkatkan overs role so that it appears as the best and biggest in the world. Universiti Cordova has been trying to compete in Kaherah Universiti Al-Azhar (Cairo) and Nizamiyya in Baghdad. He has interesting Berjaya students crowded together there Kristian, Judaism and Islam, not the sake only of Andalus but also from countries in Europe, Africa and Asia. "So also the caliph al-Hakam II very cintakan science and books. In his library there 400ribu lebh of 44 books and catalogs are mostly already read. He is also pleased to provide a record of the books that continue itu.Pemerintah al Muwahiddun power after the fall of the Umayyads in the 1031M, also continued scientific activity there. They take part in introducing Asyariyah thinking and Imam Ghazali. Government when it attempted to collect persistent scholars from around the world to fill the education staff at the universities they founded.
Repertoire of Sciences
Cordova university that is located in Cordova Mosque is the best place to learn at that time. At that time, there have been major astronomy, mathematics, medicine, theology and undang-undang/hukum. Amir Hasan Siddiqi Salmah quoted as stating: "In the 10th century AD When Cordova (mother Umaiyah Spanish empire state) first rivaling Baghdad, the ebb and flow of cultural learning be reciprocal. During the next century, growing more crowded student of Islamic lands and Kristian Eastern Europe flocked to Universiti Cordova, Toledo, Granada and Seville to gain knowledge from the cistern science with a lot of flow to it all. "granada emerged as a center of Islamic rule and the most important scientific developments to the west of Andalusia. University of Granada was built by Sultan Yusuf I in 1349M. The university is famous for calling al Madrasah Darul Ilm or an Nasriyyah. He has a few majors like undang-undang/hukum, medicine, chemistry, philosophy and astronomy.
Books are one of the most important in supporting the existence of the university, then, according to Dr Salmah, Andalus became the center of the largest book publishing in Europe. Of Andalus, the company makes paper spread to Italy and France and then to the rest of Europe. Before the Crusades, books and papers into Andalus Islamic heritage to Western Europe.
Philip K Hitti told the triumph of Andalusia Salmah describe this: "While Arab science declined in the eastern Islamic world, he developed advanced in its Western. Bandar highway Cordova took over Baghdad as a center of learning, while Toledo and Seville also teamed up in intellectuality. Arab scholars in Spain to build on the principles provided by their fellow co-religionists in Iraq, Syria, Egypt and Persia. Their golden age covers roughly from the 11th century to 12. "Citing Anwar G Chejne, Salmah describe the beauty of Cordova: "In the 10th century AD, Constantinople Cordova cope beauty, with a hospital, university, mosque and the palace's beautiful, common library, common shower and garden tub with Persiaran very beautiful. All facilities are there in the airport main thoroughfare State Islamic Spain, and he helped bring persekitaran clever intellectual who gave birth to the great wise Andalusia. "
Public libraries are built in every region of Andalusia. In Cordova town alone there are as many as 70 pieces of public libraries can be used by the whole community in situ.Tokoh famous scholars in Andalusia, at the time such as: Ibn Rush, Ibn Hazm, Ibn Abd al-Barr and Qadi Iyad. Ibn Rush (1126-1198M) a doctor and lawyer famous in his time. He has collected encyclopedia perobatan and some commentary on Aristotle, summary and resume a textbook for hundreds of years. His famous Bidayatul Mujtahid, and the answer Tahafut al Tahafut Tahafut works of Imam al Falasifah Ghazali.Ibnu Hazm (994-1064M) with his famous al Muhalla, al Fasl fil Milal wan Nihal, Proceedings Ushululil fi fi Ahkam al Fiqh and Ahkam Ushulil. Ibn Abd al-Barr (978-1070M) with his masterpieces Isti'ab lis al Sahabah and al Humaydi. While Qadi Iyad famous in the 12th century, is an expert scholar in the field of hadith, fiqh and history. He has produced a book of at least 20 books on the subject. He is a figure in the Maliki school and had served as an adviser to the royal al Almoravids.
When did the tradition and repertoire of science was back again? *
By: NUIM Hidayat
Author of the book "New Imperialism" (GIP)

Tag : Islami
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